Throughout this virtual journey, you will be able to have an understanding of all the different entry strategies and uncontrollable elements to take into account before expanding or creating your business abroad. You will learn how companies can choose the perfect strategy to enter an international market based on a local, environmental analysis.
This course has no pre-requisites. It’s designed for anyone who wants to gain knowledge of international marketing and understand the differences between doing business domestically and abroad.
Certificates of completion are valuable to any person who has completed the course.
To apply to the course, sign in to the e-commerce platform and follow the instructions: LOG IN. Payment: paypal and credit card.
By signing up into our platform, you will be able to watch the first lesson for free!
Applicants will have access to our e-learning platform and to their reserved area which includes slides, recorded lectures, and notifications.
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Minerva Srl – Società unipersonale
Viale Giovanni Dusmet, 3 – 00046 Grottaferrata (RM)
P.IVA 13835941009
Iscrizione REA 1476889 – Registro delle imprese di Roma
CS 15000 i.v.